Wraparound Childcare
Childcare is available before and after school, on the school site and run by the school.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am to 8.40am and costs £4.20. Children are provided with breakfast of cereal and a piece of fruit with milk or water to drink and they can choose from a variety of activities every morning.
A drop-off session is also available, enabling children to be dropped off from 8.25am for 95p per session.
After School Club
After School Club runs from 3.20pm to 6.00pm
3.20 - 4.20 £4.20
3.20 - 5.20 £8.60
3.20 - 6.00 £11.60
For children who attend after school clubs, e.g. football, rugby;
4.20 - 6.00 £7.40
Fruit and water are freely available for all children. For children attending after 4.20pm, a snack will be available, e.g. toast, crumpets etc.
A Registration Form must be completed for any child wishing to attend either Breakfast Club, the Morning Drop-Off Session or After School Club.
Bookings are made online via the Parent Portal/ Parent Booking. If you would like to pay by childcare vouchers please request a booking form from the school office. Please note, there are no refunds for non-attendance. Paper copies of the booking form are available from the school office. An invoice will be sent via Parent Pay at the end of the calendar month.
Late Collection
If children are collected late, parents will be charged for the full session. If children are not collected by 6pm, parents will be charged £5 for each additional 15 minutes.