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Glapthorn CE Primary School


Outcomes for pupils in RE

Children will have:

  • A passion for RE and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, developing a sense of curiosity
  • An excellent knowledge and understanding of belief and a range of religions, showing respect for all forms of belief and none
  • The ability to think, reflect, and discuss religion, formulating and refining perceptive questions and lines of enquiry, developing academic rigour and a questioning mindset
  • The ability to make connections between beliefs
  • A well- developed religious literacy
  • An understanding of the impact of religion and belief on the lives of individuals, being hospitable to diversity
  • The opportunity to learn to disagree well and develop and express their personal positions, empathising with and respecting the positions and beliefs of others
  • A basis for reflection and evaluating their thoughts and opinions
  • Recognised that  world faiths are diverse and dynamic entities

Please also refer to the Peterborough Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity

RE Big Picture

Contact Details and Useful Links
